Monday 20 February 2017

uses of zinc dust

Zinc dust is essentially nothing else but minute physical particles of zinc.

It can be used for a variety of purposes, most of them are those where zinc is used. Some of the purposes are:
  1. In paints: - We know metals like zinc and aluminium do not rust so easily as iron does. Hence it is zinc dust is used in cheap paints and colours to avoid corrosion and rusting of the material on which it is put.
  1. In electrometallurgy :- We know, that in the Electrochemical or EC Series, Zinc is higher than metals like copper, mercury, iron, etc. Hence it is used to remove the cations of these metals from solutions.
  2. In explosives:- Zinc dust has a slightly explosive nature. Hence, it is somehow used in cheap explosives. See this video to watch an experiment that proves zinc dust is explosive:
  1. In zinc dust distillation:- Organic compounds on ozonolysis gives an organic ozonide. This organic ozonide undergoing zinc dust distilllation will give various compounds.

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